Mehria School

About Us

The aim of Mehria primary school is to produce hardworking, well-mannered and well informed young Muslims who are able, through their knowledge, skills and good character to benefit from the opportunities that Allah provides and to go on to be a positive force in society.
Mehria primary School was founded in January 2006, and has come a long way since. The School is managed by dedicated professional staff resulting in an excellent learning environment. Good education is essential for all children to enable them to live, study and work in a multi-cultural, multi faith Britain. Here at M.P.S, our aim is to give our pupils a strong sense of identity as Muslim children and provide them with an understanding that prepares them to excel in higher education.
If you have chosen to entrust M.P.S. with your beloved Childs education, you will find, in addition to academic achievement, the added benefit of support that comes from part of a strong-knit community that is Mehria.
Zia ul Mustafa
Head Teacher (B.A Hons, PGCE)

Our principle Aims

In the last academic year, a staggering 80% of year 6 pupils achieved a level 5 in the SAT’s test, which is beyond the expected level at key stage 2. The remaining percentage of pupils received a level 4 which is the level expected from pupils in year 6. Students at Mehria School were able to achieve this due to the positive affect of our Islamic ethos, small classes and good teacher and student relationship.

Furthermore Islam calls on Muslims to pursue the path of knowledge and show kindness to our children. Both these requirements are fulfilled at Mehria simultaneously.

Our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) said “No one has given his children anything better than knowledge “It is therefore advisable that parents should try their best to educate their children in such an environment, which will prevent negative influences. Of course this will entail a small fee of £100 a month; however the reward for sending children to Mehria outweighs any expense and sacrifices which parents may incur.


Level of achievement expected through the different key stages


At M.P.S we aim to provide a wide range of learning experiences that will excite, challenge, stimulate and promote thinking and learning in order to develop well educated, articulate people in the future. We encourage educational and spiritual growth and aim for children to develop open and enquiring minds so they can think for themselves and be able to adapt and meet the changes and challenges of life in the 21st century.

Our Culture & Ethos

The education of children is an enormous responsibility that we at Mehria School take very seriously. Our mission statement encapsulates our approach to education. We endeavour to create a culture that strengthens faith and values integrity above all else. Academic success and excellence are seen as a consequence of good character, which is what we strive to inculcate in our students. Compassion towards all of humanity and respect for people from all backgrounds and walks of life is encouraged through various schemes to benefit the community, as the principle of Islam states

“There is no superiority of Arab over non-Arab or black over white, except in piety”

We are committed to creating a generation of confident and educated students who will become beacon-like figures in our society insh’Allah. To achieve this we try to develop in all our students the ability to think clearly and independently and the courage to stand up for truth and right at all time. We hope that their experience with us assists them in becoming suitable ambassadors for Islam, with a feeling of unity and sense of service to our community, both Muslim and non-Muslim.

At Mehria a spirit of endeavour is actively promoted by providing opportunities and support for students to transcend their perceived limits. This is exemplified by our excellent academic record, which is only achieved by pushing students beyond normal expectations.

Overall we are dedicated to encouraging our students to develop their own personal identity, which will allow them to express their individuality whilst maintaining a sense of equality and cohesion amongst fellow students.

Parents at Mehria

Parental involvement enriches school life, and at M.P.S. we are fortunate to have a committed group of parents that forms ‘Friends of Mehria’ Friends are actively involved in supporting the school through fundraising and organising social and educational activities. Friends meet regularly with the head Teacher to discuss improvements to the school.

We are grateful at M.P.S. to have parents who dedicate their time, effort and money to improve the school. By volunteering their skills, parents help to broaden the range of experiences the school can offer and strengthen the bonds between parents, staff and students to maintain a positive and healthy family atmosphere.

Discipline & Exclusion

We pride ourselves at Mehria in promoting consideration and respect towards all peoples, irrespective of colour, race or religion. Our students are encouraged through rewards and sanction to conduct themselves in a manner becoming young God-conscious people. We monitor behaviour carefully and operate a strict policy of increasing sanctions which ultimately ends, in the case of serious or on- going misconduct, in temporary or permanent exclusion from the school.

Our emphasis however is on prevention and we endeavour to involve parents at all stages so that through partnership we can help students to improve their behaviour. Our Behaviour policy is available upon request.

Pastoral & Social Care

At M.P.S. we are committed to the well-being and safety of all our students, and ensure that pupils are able to learn in a secure environment free from any harmful influences. We have qualified staff to administer first aid when necessary. Our health and safety policy is available on request.

All our staff are trained to be watchful for signs of neglect, abuse or bullying, which are then dealt with by the Head Teacher.

On a day to day basis Teachers are responsible for the pastoral care of pupils. Weekly lessons and assemblies cover a wide range of topics to develop strong ethical principles and Islamic value. Daily prayers are led by the Imam.

Islam & Ecology

At Mehria we aim to increase awareness of nature and spiritual ideas. We are members of Faith woodlands who explore the positive attitudes to the environment which are shared by different faiths. Mehria School children as part of their curriculum visit the countryside and learn more about ecology, traditions, awareness and spirituality.

It has long been recognized that there are real mental as well as physical benefits from being outdoors in peaceful, relaxing green spaces. Many people feel a spiritual connection with nature, either through the teachings of their faith, or as part of their lifestyle.

Why do we feel at peace with nature?

Explore more with Faith Woodlands…