Mehria School

Jsro Scheme

Mehria Primary School is proud to work in partnership with the Modeshift STARS national scheme that is recognising our efforts to encourage our pupils to actively and safely travel to school.

Mehria primary school have appointed seven junior road safety officers (JRSO’s) to deliver their messages and promote road safety issues to the rest of their classrooms and school peers. This will be carried out, through the mediums of assembly talks, running competitions, putting up posters and using their own unique creative ideas to spread the message.

As shown below the JRSO’s are receiving goody bags, in which they prepare and familiarise themselves with their role and responsibilities as a JRSO. The JRSO’s have been facilitated with all the required resources they need in order to fulfil their role, including a monthly timetable with the relevant topics. A massive well done to all the pupils who have been selected!

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