Mehria School

Choosing the Right School for Muslim Children in Luton

Choosing the Right School for Muslim Children in Luton

The Importance of Islamic Education

Seeking Schools in Luton


Islamic Environment and Values

Reputation and Community Feedback

Facilities and Extracurricular Activities

Proximity and Convenience

Cost and Affordability


  1. Research: Begin looking up schools in your vicinity. Observe their Ousted ratings, performance at the academic level, and what awards or recognitions they have gotten.
  2. Visit: Request visits from the potential schools. This will make you understand the environment from a real perspective and give you a chance to meet teachers and see facilities.
  3. Talk to Other Parents: Parents whose children are already studying in that school will be able to give honest advice on the experience. The latter will give you a better understanding of what to expect. Find a Fit with Your Child’s Needs: Every child is unique. Consider your child’s personality, strengths, and weaknesses to determine what they will require. Choose a school that will satisfy these needs.
  4. Look for the curriculum: Ensure that you find a school with a curriculum clear enough to respond to the goals of individualised education for the child, including both academic subjects and extracurricular activities.

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